You can set Presentation Mode (in5 > Enhancements > Presentation Mode) to automatically loop your content by selecting Loop in the Presentation Mode dialog.
If you'd like to set a specific number of loops, then attach the following code via the Resources section of the export dialog and follow the steps below:
var presLoopNum = 3; $(document).on('pageRendered',function(){ if(nav.current === nav.numPages){ presLoopNum--; } if(!presLoopNum){ presmode.loop = false; } });
Code Explanation
The lines above doing the following:
- Set the number of loops
- Check to see when each page is rendered
- If the current page is the last page, then subtract 1 from the number of loops
- If there are no loops left, see the Presentation Mode loop variable to false so that the presentation will no longer loop
- (close the page rendered event)