When you export your in5 content with Back/Next Arrows, you can modify their appearance by adding CSS to the Resources section of the Export HTML5 with in5 dialog (either in5 in5 > Export HTML5 with in5... or to in5 > Easy Export Wizard... and click the Advanced button).
Use any of the following, combine them, or customize them as needed.
Change the position of the Back/Next Arrows:
nav#page-nav > button { top:10%; }
Modify the position by changing the percentage (e.g. 10% is near the top, and 90% is near the bottom).
Scale the Back/Next Arrows:
nav#page-nav > button { width:34px; height:34px; }
Change the values to change the size of the Back/Next arrows.
Apply a blend mode:
nav#page-nav > button { mix-blend-mode: multiply; }
Set the blend mode* to any of the following:
- multiply
- screen
- overlay
- darken
- lighten
- color-dodge
- color-burn
- difference
- exclusion
- hue
- saturation
- color
- luminosity
*Check https://caniuse.com/css-backgroundblendmode for browser support.
Apply a filter to invert them:
nav#page-nav > button { filter: invert(1); }
Change the amount of inversion by setting the value inside the parentheses (0 is no inversion, 1 is fully inverted, .5 or 50% is halfway).