With in5, you can include additional types of interactivity in your InDesign layout and customize this interactivity using the in5 Interactive Widgets (in5 > Interactive Widgets)

Notice that the in5 Interactive Widgets are divided into sections: BASIC, PRO+, GOLD+, and ELITE+. These gray headers are not selectable but specify the in5 subscription plan level that includes the widgets in that section. Each section is divided by a thin line, and the + after each section header indicates that the widgets require the indicated plan levels or higher. If you select a widget that is higher than your plan level, you'll see a message indicating the plan level that's required for it:

Full Plan Comparison

If you select an interactive widget without an object selected, it will display more information about how to use the widget and what type of content you'll need to select or assemble in order to access the widget's options.

If you're testing in5 using the demo version, some of these widgets will not be available:

What are the limitations of in5 in Demo mode?

The following includes more information about the in5 Interactive Widgets by plan level.

in5 Basic Interactive Widget examples:


Set audio to Auto Play, Loop, Play in Background, Pause Other Media During Playback, Hide or Show the Controller Display, and Go to Next Page or Go to State as an End Action.


Set a hyperlink to open in the Document Default, Same Window, Top Window, New Window, Lightbox, Inside Web App, Browser From App, or Baker-based Modal Window, and apply the hyperlink setting to all text hyperlinks or all hyperlinks, if desired.

For more information about the in5 Hyperlink interactive widget, see How to Add Advanced HTML Hyperlinking with in5.

Image Sequence

Create an animated sequence that can automatically play or controlled by tapping or swiping when you select a directory with images, whether the first image is initially shown, Auto Play, Tap to Play/Pause, Delay, Speed, Play for the number of times it plays, Loop, Stop at Last Image, Swipe to Change Image, Stop at First and Last Image, and Play in Reverse.

Pan and Zoom

Enable panning and zooming on an image so that when the image is magnified, it's zoomed in to 200% and becomes cropped by its frame.

Scrolling Frames

Group content; copy & paste it into a smaller frame; set the scroll direct to Off,  Auto Detect, Horizontal, Vertical, or Horizontal & Vertical; and select whether or not to Hide Scroll Indicators.


Set a multi-state object (MSO) to Auto Play; Tap to Play/Pause with Delay, Interval, and Play options with additional options to Loop and Stop at Last Image; Loop, Play Full Screen; Allow Pausing; Auto Rewind; Pause other Media During Playback; Default, Stretch proportions to fill, or Cover Proportionally for Frame Fitting; None, Big Play Button, no controller, or Full controller for for Controller Skin, and Go to Next Page or Go to State as an End Action.


Set video to Auto Play; Mute video (allows Auto Play); Loop, Play Full Screen; Allow Pausing; Auto Rewind; Pause other Media During Playback; Default, Stretch proportions to fill, or Cover Proportionally for Frame Fitting; None, Big Play Button, no controller, or Full controller for for Controller Skin, and Go to Next Page or Go to State as an End Action.

Web Content

Embed either local HTML5 content or a URL and set that content to Auto Play, have a Transparent Background, Allow User Interaction, and set Scrolling options.

in5 Pro Interactive Widget examples:

Mobile Article Explorer

Create an article and an object to trigger opening the article in a lightbox as simple text and select whether or not store the text directly in the HTML.

Form Element Data

Create an InDesign form element then set the Data Type, Use Description for Placeholder, Autofocus, Numeric limits, Text Length Limits, Save & Store Input Locally, and whether to apply that Save setting to all form elements in the document.

3D Flip Card

Create a 2-state MSO and set it to flip between object states in 3D space either Horizontally or Vertically.

in5 Gold Interactive Widget examples:

Fixed Position Element

"Pin" an object so that it sticks to a fixed position when you scroll and apply options for Scaling; whether it shows for This Document, This Layout, or This Page; Pin to positions for the X and Y axes; whether it's Scroll Triggered and the Scroll Triggered locations; Actions to Scroll to top or Scroll to Bottom; and Don't reset on page change.

Parallax Background

Set a rectangular frame to remain fixed while the page scrolls where it can be sized to the Window and the image can be created from the Container or the Content.

in5 Elite Interactive Widgets:

Accessibility Panel

Control accessible content by specifying whether content should use the default, be hidden from, or be visible only to the screen reader; set the ARIA Role, add a Custom Tag; set Treat like a Skip Link; and Update Alt Text.

If you'd like to access more in5 Interactive Widgets than what are available in your current plan, then check out the following link for more information about how to upgrade:

Can I upgrade my in5 plan? Is it pro-rated?